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On 2025-02-09 at 08:28:47, a user was unable to connect to the database server. The error occured in /kunden/homepages/4/d281691449/htdocs/hausverwaltung.php. On 2025-02-09 at 08:28:47, a user connected to the database server but was unable to select the correct database. The error occured in /kunden/homepages/4/d281691449/htdocs/hausverwaltung.php.
On 2025-02-09 at 08:28:47, an sql error occured. When asked the trouble, the database said:
The error was thrown from /kunden/homepages/4/d281691449/htdocs/hausverwaltung.php in the function and the offending sql statement is below:
SELECT objektid FROM tsoft_objekte